On the problem of the peculiarities of permeability of the hemato-encephalic barrier in the conditions of ischemia
Andreeva Maria Grigoryevna
Master Student, Department of Biology
Morkovin Evgeny Igorevich
Candidate of Medical Sciences,
Head of the Laboratory of Psychopharmacology of the Research Institute of Pharmacology of VSMU,
Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Genomic and Proteomic Studies of the VMRC
Kurkin Denis Vladimirovich
Candidate of Pharmacological Sciences,
Senior Researcher of the Cardiovascular Laboratory of the Institute of Pharmacology VSMU
Abstract: In the present work, the possibility of modeling the hemato-encephalic barrier processes which determine cerebral ischemia is shown.
Key words: hemato-ecephalic barrier, obstruction of common carotid arteries, ischemia, carotid artery, endotheliocytes, astrocytes.