Development of social activity of citizens of the older generation in the conditions of the city

Grigoryeva Svetlana Anatolievna 

Postgraduate Student, Department of Psychology and Applied Sociology,
Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin
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Polytechnic St. 77, 410054 Saratov, Russian Federation

Abstract. The present time is characterized by the processes of demographic ageing of
the population: there are processes of increasing the number of older people in society. In this
regard, the formation of mechanisms for the development of activity of the older generation is
relevant. The concept of social activity and its features in old age is considered. The participation
of the elderly person is considered in two aspects, based on the contribution of the elderly to
the development of society through participation in various social activities and how society
itself is ready to help reorganize the lives of people in retirement and promote their social
integration. Public institutions and public organizations play an important role in this regard.
The article analyzes the mechanisms for the development of social activity of senior citizens
in the city. The internal resources of senior citizens to participate in volunteer activities are
time, experience, necessary knowledge, desire to help. The basis of the motives that encourage
the older generation to participate in the volunteer activities of the social sphere among the
recipients of one of the social institutions in Saratov is the need for communication, the need
to be useful and to help other people; the need for new knowledge and, accordingly, new
social roles. Leisure of pensioners in the complex centre of social institution of the population
of Saratov forms an active position (physical, educational activity). The results of the study
showed the presence of interest and desire to take the initiative in the organization of social
activities. This activity is important for the younger generation. Senior citizens can transfer
knowledge in a particular area, which is becoming socially useful.

Key words: generation, gerontology, the culture of aging, the elderly community, old
age, the city, life in the city.

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