Transaction costs of state financial control
Kevorkova Marina Ernestovna
Student, Department of Economics-Financial Control and Public Audit,
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
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Prospect Vernadskogo, 84,119571 Moscow, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article defines the subject of transaction costs of the state financial control
(SFC). The author makes an attempt to develop the structure of transaction costs of the state
financial control (SFC). The author suggests ways to reduce transaction costs in the sphere of
the SFC: to pay attention to the preliminary control, create a common information space for
supervisory bodies of Russia, and respond more promptly to detected financial irregularities in
the use of budget funds, which will subsequently improve the efficiency of the SFC.
Key words: institutional economy, transaction costs, state financial control (SFC),
measurability of transaction costs in the sphere of SFC, efficiency of SFC.